Hi! Iā€™m Lindsey Nicole!

My Story as a Busy Mom Turned Busy Mamapreneur

The Florida heat hardly phased me growing up. If I wasn't on my transparent corded phone with friends or listening to Spice Girls, I was plopped on top of my tie dye bean bag, completely enthralled in a book. Throughout grade school and college, I aced my honor English and writing classes with ease. I never doubted my skills as a phenomenal writer, but never discovered a way to turn this skill and passion into anything more than a hobby.

Once I became a mom, I felt called to redefine myself -- or perhaps, re-find myself. Having spent years navigating my firstborn's health issues, I began formally studying nutrition, and in 2017, I earned my credentials as a Certified Nutritionist.

A year later, my 14-year marriage ended, and I was grateful for a skillset that not only allowed me to design my work schedule around my life as a single mom, but allowed me to travel the world with my kids for four years until the pandemic brought us back home in 2021. That same year, I remarried, and my family grew by two, adding a whole other layer of chaos -- and love! -- to our lives.

Like many others, Covid dealt a devastating blow to our finances, forcing us to reconsider our career paths and future plans. Having spent my whole life yearning to share my gift of writing with the world, I spent months researching various career paths before coming across copywriting -- more specifically, lead generation copywriting. That was it. Thirty-eight years into this journey called life, and I had finally found my calling.

Why lead-generation copywriting? Because it allowed me the opportunity to utilize my writing and design skills in a way that benefited other moms in business, through material used to scale their business, increase their income, and improve their financial independence and security. 

Now, I collaborate with fellow mamapreneurs, crafting gorgeous e-books that educate their clientele, inspire curiosity, and turn interest into loyal clients.